Life's Questions

27 Things | Turning 27

This is a list of random things from this past year. You will observe there is a noticeable lack of substance in this list. That is intentional.

  1. [Song] ‘Cause life is amazing then it sucks, then it’s amazing again
    • Lyrics from Michael Franti’s song – Life is Amazing
  2. [Food Poisoning] Hummus doesn’t last forever, neither do I. Avoid food poisoning whenever possible by reading the dates.
  3. [Word] No is a beautiful word.
  4. [Band] The band Beatenberg live is exceptional. Their lyrics and music echoes in my mind long after listening to them. Yet the funny part is, the most exceptionally moving song I’ve heard them play, I cannot remember or word, or beat, or note of. All I remember is that as I listened to it, I felt tears come to my eyes and I never wanted to stop listening to that blend of words, melody, and guitar weaving together in the air and in my mind.
  5. [Song] You’re goodness is running after, it’s running after me.
    • Song by Hillsong
  6. [Concert] Do not go to a OneRepublic Concert at the same time as a Harry Styles Concert.
  7. [Shoes] Choco sandals! They are comfortable, uncomfortable. Help my feet, hurt my feet. They turn me into a walking paradox.
  8. [Food] Gluten free sausage rolls! Yorkshire puddings! The most delicious mashed potatoes I’ve ever tasted. This is the joys of food in the UK. At their own cuisine they do excel and I think they deserve more credit for that.
  9. [Question] Why can’t more things be learned through second-hand experience?
  10. [Plants] RIP Jasmine Plant. But my basil plant miraculously has lived, as have several other plants. It really makes me smile whenever I see they are still alive, given I have historically been terrible with plants.
  11. [Word Processors] I continue to hate WordPress’s “new” block editor. I wish with a passion they would go back to the regular text editor, it causes me so much frustration.
  12. [Food] I love and miss Barbara’s blue cheese cheetohs. They’re addictive, delicious, but have been utterly ruined in the past several years since Barbara’s went corporate.
  13. [Space] Small spaces are also cosy spaces. I like them.
  14. [Flowers] The UK is full of beautiful gardens and flowers. Its a joy just to walk past people’s houses.
  15. [Vines] A vine growing over a brightly colored door makes me smile.
  16. [Fans] Are a wonder and gift of the modern age.
  17. [Food] This has been a year of truly exceptional food. I have had the immense pleasure of living with flatmates from around the world who are not only exceptionally good at creating delicious food, but are also incredibly generous. And also always willing to not only share their food, but teach others (like myself) how to make it.
  18. [Water] Makes an excellent metaphor for so many states of mind.
  19. [Lamps] Wood and soft lighting make a space cosy.
  20. [Color] Burnt orange and bright yellow.
  21. [Spices] Paprika, White Pepper, and Curry Leaf
  22. [Color] Deep green, mint green, bright green.
  23. [Birds] Tropical, bright green and startling. Also cheerful.
  24. [Dogs] Fancy dogs wherever you look in the UK.
  25. [Walks] The best walk is through the neighborhoods.
  26. [Garden Decor] Disco Balls, viva la disco ball!
  27. [Coat] Bright red raincoat, so bright and so red it hurts your eyes to look at it. I like to feel like a stop sign wherever I go.

It’s Possible – by The Gray Havens

It’s possible to see the city from the wrong side
It’s possible I didn’t see it in the right light
Cuz' when I stopped and stared
I didn’t see the magic
For my first time there
I admit it was a tragedy, I know
It’s possible to see the city from the wrong side

Who knows what will happen in a year? Predictions are futile. Which dimensions of your life will change? Which will stay the same? I don’t know. Thank goodness I don’t know, or perhaps I would have been too scared to live and I would have missed out on so much joy.

3 thoughts on “27 Things | Turning 27

  1. That last sentence is so true! I worry about that same idea.
    Love the idea of the list. My birthday is tomorrow and I always write a piece called. “This is ____” insert whatever age I am that year.
    An interesting read overall but also with the warning about the items having a lack of substance.
    Food poisoning isn’t funny but I do love the way you described it. And that you included spices in this list! I am going to take a nod from your list to influence my own birthday writing.
    Although I don’t always comment, I always read your posts. Thank you for putting your words in the public space. I enjoy them all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words! I do appreciate it, I sometimes wonder if anyone reads anything haha.
      I love reading other people’s birthday posts, I feel like they’re always both fun, inspiring and helpful. So I thought I’d write one of my own this year.

      Liked by 1 person

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