Fantasy · Life's Questions

Why fantasy? | Strikes a chord for something wild

I think that fantasy stories are so compelling, alluring, satisfying, something I am hungry for because they satisfy a deep craving for something wild and untamed. I find that, especially when I’m feeling turbulent, I’m drawn to read about something equally chaotic, spontaneous and unpredictable, but something that navigates through all that turbulence and turns… Continue reading Why fantasy? | Strikes a chord for something wild

Book Review · Fantasy

The Bards of Bone Plain | Patricia McKillip | Fantasy Book Review

He exuded ambiguities she decided, that was his fascination.His mouth spoke; his eyes said something other: his smile belied everything…. The Bards of Bone Plain SUMMARY A group of musicians in a fantastical land with turbulent roots attempt to reconcile their pasts while weaving together a new future of music and magic. PROS I love… Continue reading The Bards of Bone Plain | Patricia McKillip | Fantasy Book Review

Book Review · Fantasy

The Final Empire | Mistborn Saga by Brandon Sanderson | Book Review

I’m not really sure why. But… do you stop loving someone just because they betray you? I don’t think so. That’s what makes the betrayal hurt so much – pain, frustration, anger… and I still loved her. I still do. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson Summary A young girl discovers she has unique abilities… Continue reading The Final Empire | Mistborn Saga by Brandon Sanderson | Book Review

Book Review · Fantasy

Archer’s Goon | Diana Wynne Jones | Middle Grade Fantasy

All power corrupts, but we need electricity. First Thoughts I loved this book. It was fun and unpredictable! I especially appreciated that it is primarily a story about siblings. Summary Archer’s Goon is about families, their dysfunction and what brings them together and tears them apart. Specifically two families: Howard’s family, and a family of… Continue reading Archer’s Goon | Diana Wynne Jones | Middle Grade Fantasy

Book Review · Fantasy

Od Magic | Venice-Like Setting | Patricia McKillip

“I think they could teach us unimaginable things. Unimaginable! I can’t imagine anything except danger. I know. That’s why they’re afraid of you.” Wow! I never would have read this if not for my sister, who told me it was a fantastic story. I absolutely loved it!I feel like the descriptions of the book definitely… Continue reading Od Magic | Venice-Like Setting | Patricia McKillip

Book Review · Fantasy

Alphabet of Thorns | Condensed Mystery + Epic Fantasy | Patricia A. McKillip

Easier to understand the wind . . . Easier to walk on the surface of the frothing sea, than to remember the hunger to do it. Easier to remember knowledge than ignorance, experience than innocence. Easier to know what you are than remember what you were. Patricia A. McKillip, Alphabet of Thorn This story was a… Continue reading Alphabet of Thorns | Condensed Mystery + Epic Fantasy | Patricia A. McKillip

Fantasy · Find a Book/Movie Similar To...

Books Like Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

One of the best books ever written is Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. It is short, sweet and packs a punch. She was able to take a really interesting concept and combine it with a uniquely quiet yet resilient main character in a fantasy world that has a flavor of its own. In honor… Continue reading Books Like Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

Book Review · Fantasy

Storyteller by Edward Myers | Medieval Adventure | Light Fantasy | Middle Grade

“At that moment Jack reached an insight, one he never forgot: a bee in a story could tickle worse than a real bee. He realized, too, that a story peach could be sweeter than a real peach, a story flower more fragrant than a real flower, a story song more melodious than a real song.… Continue reading Storyteller by Edward Myers | Medieval Adventure | Light Fantasy | Middle Grade

Book Review · Fantasy

Medieval Fantasy Books for Children & Young Adults

Below are my recommendations for books that are fantasy and set in a historical setting (mainly medieval). Also I want to add that even though this list is for children and young adults, I don’t think that these books can only be enjoyed by that age range. That said, some of the books are shorter… Continue reading Medieval Fantasy Books for Children & Young Adults